There's an epidemic goin' on this world that more people need to pay
attention to, and I'm here to give you a Public Service
Announcement...but nobody will I've brought in an outside
spokesperson to help.
That's right...she's about to ruin your whole fucking day.
Hi, I'm Sarah McLachlan, and when I'm not endorsing the ASPCA
(Which Teffy got to see a giant mobile unit of, today, GO ASPCA!! Shut
that puppy mill down, FINALLY!) I'm lending my spokesperson/gut turning
guilt tripping abilities to other causes.
It is fast approaching Christmas, and I'm here with a PSA to make these holidays go much quicker and in a friendlier manner.
Stop being Douchebag retailers. Remember those people are human
beings and the person before you was a douchekettle as well. By this
point, that retail employee is not ready to hear just how retarded they
are, they simply don't care, they want to help you find your purchase to
the best of their ability and get you out of their site.
If you come in later in the day and it is busy, they will be
eyeballing you like you're part of a zombie horde and be fantasizing of
which instrument would sever your head with the best result...this is
why they are smiling so much even when overwhelmed.
Do not blame the retail employee, they are simply broken and worn out.
And remember, I'm Sarah McLachlan, I endorse animal rights and
I'm completely against animal cruelty, but I totally condone a retail
employee's right (AS THEY SHOULD HAVE) to have one open handed slap a
week against customers. Maybe if the customers knew this was a
possibility, you all would behave your heathen asses.
-Sarah McLachlan
I'm in tears now, are you? I'm totally in tears...I feel the pain, I feel the message *sniffle*