Monday, October 10, 2011

Espanol es muy mal!

There was a moment in my life, where I had a moment to where I could choose something regarding my education (for once).  See, it was my Sophomore year in high school, and they had *GASP* elective courses.

My god, are you telling me that...I can PICK some of the classes that I may go to??

It was on, like (don't be cliche here, Teff)...Donkey Kong, erm, a Hard on...dammit!

Of course, I had my main classes and such, I also threw an art class in there, a theater class (which I eventually got into the Thespian troupe with *woo*) and then it came down to it...a language course.

There used to be a plethora of options, actually...They used to teach Spanish, German, Latin, and French.  Yet, cuts and cuts and cuts, it was whittled down to German and Spanish.

I put in for German, and then there were three blank spots at the bottom for "Alternative" classes, just in case one class I had chosen wasn't available.  So I put in for Spanish, Study Hall, and Psychology.

I got my schedule and...and...WHAT??  I had Spanish and Psychology.

Apparently, German was full (after I was told 'oh don't worry, nobody takes German' )

There was one problem with this.  I had spent my entire summer vacation learning German so I could pretty much sleep through the German class...and now?  I was in SPANISH!

What was worse, is they put my twin sister into the Spanish class with me...and the teacher, sat us alphabetically!  Which meant we sat RIGHT BY each other!  This would be bad any any class, trust do not let my sister and I get within 50 miles of each other, unless you are ready to handle the consequences...we feed off each other.

What made it worse was that the Spanish teacher also was my dad's English teacher, and let's just say they did not get along during his time at that school.  In fact, upon reading our last name and deducting who our father was, she remarked "I figured he'd be in jail by now!"  The hatred was mutual, as my father exclaimed when hearing who our teacher was, "That bitch is still alive??"

We made that poor woman's life a living hell.  I had absolutely no desire to learn Spanish, it is why I put in for the German class, I did want to learn German and I already had a very good understanding of German from what I had taught myself...Spanish, had no interest in I goofed off.

Then my sister started goofing off with me.  

During our "Vocabulary" lessons, she'd pair us off and since I sat in front of my sister, I was paired with her (MISTAKE NUMERO UNO!)
She then gave us a marker board and said "I will say something in Spanish, everyone will write the vocabulary on their marker board and we will share"
"Wait...we can write whatever we want on this board?"

This set up for moments of facepalming in quantities leveling "Epic" from a teacher.
"Donde esta tu mama?"  She would coo out amongst the eager students and we'd scribble, and show our board "Subjects regarding Canada for 500"

She then asked us, coming into Spanish if we knew any Spanish at all.  I told her I only knew "Espanol es muy mal, es el Diablo"

She was not amused.

We then had to make a video for class.  A commercial, or a speech using only Spanish.

Oh there were informative videos: How to play baseball.  How to change a tire.  How to truck surf and so on.

My sister and I made a commercial called Palos y Ramitas.  We were selling a cereal called "Palos y Ramitas" which is "Sticks and Twigs".
Oh yes, it was amazing, we even had mud for milk...

When the video finished we looked amongst the students...flat faces.  Not even the teacher looked impressed.

LAME, they did not get the genius of it!!

At the end of the year, she asked me "Did you learn ANYTHING in this class?"  I told her yes, I can now say "me gusta queso"  She glared and was unhappy "The ONLY thing you learned was how to say, I like...CHEESE?"

Well, no...I also learned how to say Tengo un tigre in mis pantalones...she was absolutely NOT impressed with that answer either.

Ah well...


....Ich habe einen tiger in mein Hose....